Saturday, 30 April 2016

Hack Your Friend Phone Number to Reject Calls From AnyBody

This is hot trick. you can restrict your number so that you will not be able to receive calls from everybody. Yes, some people always have a personal sim that they did not want anybody to call it.but you can still use that your sim to browse,receive SMS Message,and the funniest thing is that you can call everybody but nobody will be able to call you To perform this,
1).. go to your phone"call settings"then scroll down to"call forwarding"then select"call divert".

2)... Now Enter your own phone number to the box you will see there but dont add the last digit of your phone number to it. For example-09673959397, then you will just remove the last number which is 7. so whenever people call your line, it will always tell them that number not available but you can call anybody and they will be surprised because they always try your number and its not available and you are using it to call them back...
‌🇪‌🇳‌🇯‌🇴‌🇾 :-* :)

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